
Still don't know if I should go to that STUPID prom or not. I know I'll regret it whether I go or not. Bleh. It's getting on my nerves.

*Singing* "Ich liebe Deutsche-land, ich liebe Deutsche-land..." I love German(y)!
(...speaking of nothing) I want to work as a volunteer in either Austria or Germany. India would be rather cool too. Or Ireland. Or Africa... When I've graduated, of course. To be honest I'd rather spend my money on helping other human beings than on a gown and go to that stupid prom.

Another thing I've got on my mind right now is people. I just have to get this out of me, once and for all. Sometimes I just don't get people. And I'm sure people don't get me sometimes either. I get so frustrated and don't know what to do about it. Just want to shake them so they'd wake up and start to see what I see. It's so awkward with some people right now and I don't know what to do about it. Should I just let it go on, or should I do something about it? Gah. Right now I wished that I could start living life as a hermit. Say good bye to the social world, crawl up in a deep, cold cave and then stay there. Maybe come out in a few years when people have forgotten about me, so I could start a brand new life. Like pop up from nowhere and say: Hi there! Here is the brand new Jen, eager to live and learn (please note the smile which goes from ear to ear)!!...


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