
Yes, yes, and yes. An update! A very special one!

Last evening I decided to sign up for Aupair World. I created my own profile and wrote a bit about myself - and all of a sudden I had four new emails!! All from GERMAN families only! (If you haven't followed my plans before, I've had the image that Scotland would be my Au pair country.) So this was a surprize! A good one, of course!! Right now I've got seven messages from different German families. I have replied to some of them and turned one family down, which didn't fit me. This is so exciting!!! It's all happening so fast I almost don't know what to do. I am currently working on a longer Dear Family-letter. Which I can send to families who want to know more about me, and see more pictures. Gaaah. Gotta check my email now, I wrote to a family which lives nearby a place I know quite well and I really want them to answer cus they seemed like a lovely family all in all.
To be continued...


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